LJMS-Athletes of the Year

LJ-Athletes  This week we were assigned to start a project on making a poster for the middle school, known as Lawrence E. Jones, it’s supposed to represent the athletic school records of the year in each sport.  Since there wasn’t anything really like this, instead of the little flags that go all the way back to 1992 (or earlier), the staff wanted the high school’s graphic designers to make a “Hall/Wall of Fame” for the students who have achieved school records in their particular sport.

Making this was pretty quick and easy, I didn’t want it to look too flashy though…  Despite the Gradient of the text boxes (that have no text; yet) and the filled in letter’s with enclosed empty white space, I think I made it rather simple and clear.  i used the paint blob brush to make the border enclosing all the text boxes.  I believe I should have only had two rows of boxes counting from 2012 through 2015, because the years of before that was already posted on those little flags hanging on the walls of the gym.  Overall I’m pleased, so far, with the results.

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