Semester Portfolio Rough Draft and ext. Adobe After Effects

Almirol_Portfolio_2nd_Semester2 Almirol_Portfolio_2nd_Semester3 Almirol_Portfolio_2nd_Semester4 This week I mostly worked on my semester portfolio.  At the moment I only have three projects on it, one of them wasn’t an assignment.  As you can see, there’s my personal art creation of the lady on the Photoshop category… My graphic design teacher allowed me to put it in because he basically claims that it shows that I have an individual interest in my training to work on my own art work and use the techniques he taught me to make the image/project have more pizzaz~.  I also worked on many other things like in Adobe Illustrator to make a flower and open it up in Adobe After Effects to animate it (just learned how to use that new app). I had a hard time on it for the past couple of days until I received some help from a fellow student and now I have it like i know that back of my hand (almost).

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