RCHS Dance and Project Grad

Dance-Graphic-rough-draft MA_Project_Grad

This week I’ve been mostly working on my portfolio, but I also had to get my things together and finish these projects.

(Left) RCHS dance logo.  I was pretty late to the game when I started working on this and I couldn’t think much to add to it.  Our school dance teacher wanted more things added to it, though all I could think of was to make the word ‘work’ more flashy.  I found a tutorial online to make the word look like it sparkles and glitters, I could have added color to it but I was pressed for time…  Though I think it looks pretty good just gray~.  Obviously not something she expected or would accept but it was by far the best I could some up with.  I could have added another silhouette, but I only had so much space to work with…  I probably should have given myself more time to work on this; as well as the Project Grad poster (right).

Project Grad.  This was supposed to be an invitation for the Seniors in the CRPUSD.  To have and eight hour night of their lives!  Considering this was supposed to be the best we could come up with, I felt like I’ve done a pretty good job.  Though I know this one is definitely not going to be the one that’s going to be posted around the high schools of CRPUSD…  Oh well, I’m pleased with the results and I hope my teacher is as well.  I used an old technique I learned (I’ve used them in other previous projects as well), the stars on the top of the poster.  The bubbles at the bottom I learned from a fellow classmate.  Instead of using the Screen Transparency setting I would just fill the ellipse with a color of my choice and lower the opacity of the color.  If you would like to use this technique just take a note and make sure that the ellipse does NOT have a stroke with it. 🙂

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