Almirol_Portfolio_2nd_SemesterThis week we were all working on our portfolios.  I had too many pages to post in so I’m just sending in my cover.  It’s almost like giving in a secret file to the government.

As you can see my cover has my first and last name with lower text saying “Graphic Design Portfolio” translated to Turkish first, then in English below that.  I had a fellow class mate let me borrow one of her bubble backgrounds for my cover.  At the time I didn’t know how she made that pattern until I made the Project Grad poster.  If you would like to learn how to do that design, you can go ahead and look at my last post with the Project Grad and the Dance poster.

I chose the color red because I thought it would fit the theme of the colors of the Turkish flag.  Why the Turkish flag you ask?  Because I have a very high fondness of Turkey and it’s culture, I think the flag is very beautiful and red & white are some of my favorite colors.  I’m also learning Turkish so some things in my portfolio will translate to the language.  I hope you enjoyed this entry of the week ❤ !  Until next time, this is me signing off. 🙂

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